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  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.466
  4. pp              pianissimo
  5. pp              very quiet/soft(ly)
  6. pr              Puerto Rico
  7. pr              Romans/Roman people
  8. pr              electoral system
  9. pr              image building
  10. pr              president
  11. pr              price
  12. pr              prince
  13. pr              public relations
  14. pr              two
  15. pra             academician
  16. pra             artist
  17. pra             painter
  18. pres            president
  19. prison          bird
  20. pro             expert
  21. pro             for
  22. pro             public relations officer
  23. prof            academic
  24. provos          terrorists
  25. ps              footnote
  26. ps              peas
  27. ps              pees
  28. ps              postscript
  29. ps              second thoughts
  30. pt              part
  31. pt              physical training
  32. pt              pint
  33. pt              platinum
  34. pt              point
  35. pt              post town
  36. pt              stop
  37. pt              training
  38. pub             local
  39. pv              peavy
  40. q               Celt
  41. q               Kelt
  42. q               Quebec
  43. q               Queensland
  44. q               boat
  45. q               cue
  46. q               electrical charge
  47. q               farthing
  48. q               five hundred
  49. q               five hundred thousand
  50. q               koppa
  51. q               ninety
  52. q               ninety thousand
  53. q               quality
  54. q               queen
  55. q               query
  56. q               question
  57. q               queue
  58. q               quintal
  59. q               rational numbers
  60. qp              kewpie (doll)
  61. qt              cutie
  62. qt              quart
  63. qt              quiet
  64. qu              quart
  65. qu              queen
  66. quad            prison
  67. que             what (Fr.)
  68. qui             who (Fr.)
  69. r               Reaumur
  70. r               Regina
  71. r               Republican
  72. r               Rex
  73. r               Romania
  74. r               are
  75. r               arithmetic
  76. r               castle
  77. r               eighty
  78. r               eighty thousand
  79. r               hand
  80. r               king
  81. r               monarch
  82. r               month
  83. r               queen
  84. r               radius
  85. r               rain
  86. r               rand
  87. r               reading
  88. r               real numbers
  89. r               recipe
  90. r               resistance
  91. r               rho
  92. r               right
  93. r               river
  94. r               road
  95. r               rontgen unit
  96. r               rook
  97. r               royal
  98. r               run
  99. r               side
  100. r               take *
  101. r               writing
  102. ra              Royal Academician
  103. ra              Royal Academy
  104. ra              Royal Artillery
  105. ra              academician
  106. ra              academy
  107. ra              artillery
  108. ra              artist
  109. ra              big guns
  110. ra              gunmen
  111. ra              gunner(s)
  112. ra              painter
  113. ra              soldiers
  114. ra              sun (god)
  115. rab             Butler
  116. rac             motoring organisation
  117. race            people
  118. rada            academy
  119. raf             fliers
  120. raf             service
  121. rage            fashion
  122. rain            waterfall
  123. ram             butter
  124. ram             music school
  125. ram             sheep
  126. ran             managed
  127. ran             smuggled
  128. ras             head
  129. ras             prince
  130. rat             art nouveau
  131. rat             desert fighter
  132. rat             desert(er)
  133. rat             scab
  134. rat             strikebreaker
  135. rate            speed
  136. rc              Roman Catholic
  137. rc              church
  138. rd              little way
  139. rd              road
  140. rd              way
  141. re              Royal Engineer(s)
  142. re              about
  143. re              again
  144. re              concerning
  145. re              engineer(s)
  146. re              note
  147. re              over
  148. re              religious education
  149. re              sapper(s)
  150. re              soldiers
  151. re              touching
  152. rebecca         Welsh riots
  153. rec             recipe
  154. rec             take
  155. red             anarchist
  156. red             bloody
  157. red             cent *
  158. red             communist
  159. red             leftist
  160. red             revolutionary
  161. red             socialist
  162. regan           princess
  163. regan           wicked sister
  164. reine           French queen
  165. reme            engineers
  166. rene            French man
  167. rep             agent
  168. rep             salesman
  169. rep             traveller
  170. res             old thing
  171. resh            Hebrew letter
  172. ret             soak
  173. rev             priest
  174. rev             vicar
  175. rex             cat
  176. rg              argy(-bargy)
  177. rh              right hand
  178. ri              Rhode Island
  179. ri              king emperor
  180. rib             wife
  181. rid             clear
  182. rid             free
  183. ring            circle
  184. rio             port
  185. rip             final message
  186. rip             last word
  187. river           banker
  188. river           flower
  189. river           runner
  190. rly             lines/landline
  191. rly             railway
  192. rly             transport
  193. rly             way
  194. rm              Marine
  195. rm              Royal Marine(s)
  196. rm              jolly
  197. rm              old Irish magistrate
  198. rm              resident magistrate
  199. rma             Sandhurst
  200. rms             mailboat
  201. rn              Navy
  202. rn              Royal Navy
  203. rn              fleet
  204. rn              sailors
  205. rn              service
  206. ro              right hand
  207. roc             fabulous bird
  208. rock            diamond
  209. rod             fast car
  210. rod             pole
  211. rod             sports car
  212. roi             French king
  213. roi             king (Fr.)
  214. rom             gypsy
  215. rose            flower
  216. rosinante       poor horse
  217. rot             corruption
  218. rot             decay
  219. rot             rubbish
  220. rr              Right Reverend
  221. rr              Rolls Royce
  222. rr              ars
  223. rr              bishop
  224. rr              car
  225. rsm             non-commissioned officer
  226. rt              arty
  227. rt              right
  228. ru              football
  229. ru              rugby
  230. ruc             Irish police
  231. rue             street (Fr.)
  232. run             manage
  233. run             smuggle
  234. rur             Capek's play
  235. rv              bible
  236. ry              landline
  237. ry              line(s)
  238. ry              little way
  239. ry              rail
  240. ry              railway
  241. ry              transport
  242. ry              way
  243. s               Bach's works
  244. s               God's
  245. s               Sabbath
  246. s               Saturday
  247. s               Schmieder
  248. s               Sweden
  249. s               as
  250. s               bend
  251. s               bob
  252. s               bridge players
  253. s               direction
  254. s               dollar
  255. s               es
  256. s               ess
  257. s               has
  258. s               his
  259. s               is
  260. s               largesse
  261. s               old Bob
  262. s               old shilling
  263. s               paragon
  264. s               part of collar
  265. s               point
  266. s               pole +
  267. s               quarter
  268. s               saint
  269. s               second
  270. s               seven
  271. s               seven thousand
  272. s               shilling
  273. s               side
  274. s               siemens
  275. s               sister
  276. s               snow
  277. s               society
  278. s               son
  279. s               south(ern)
  280. s               space
  281. s               spade
  282. s               square
  283. s               stokes
  284. s               sulphur
  285. s               sun
  286. s               us
  287. sa              South Africa
  288. sa              South America
  289. sa              essay
  290. sa              it
  291. sa              sex appeal
  292. sa              without date
  293. sad             blue
  294. sailor          able seaman
  295. saint           paragon
  296. salt            able seaman
  297. sam             uncle
  298. sas             soldiers
  299. sat             Saturday
  300. satin           dressmaker
  301. sc              namely
  302. sc              self-contained
  303. sc              small capitals
  304. sc              specifically
  305. sc              that is
  306. sc              viz
  307. scot            fine
  308. scot            tax
  309. scr             scruple
  310. sculptor        blockbuster
  311. sd              South Dakota
  312. sd              without a day fixed
  313. sdp             nationalists
  314. se              Home Counties
  315. se              London Area
  316. se              bridge opponents
  317. se              quarter
  318. se              south-east
  319. sea             deep
  320. sea             main
  321. sec             dry
  322. sec             second
  323. sec             short time
  324. sec             time
  325. see             look
  326. seed            children
  327. semi            half
  328. semi            house
  329. sent            ecstatic
  330. set             group
  331. set             put
  332. seth            fourth man
  333. sgt             non-commissioned officer
  334. sgt             sergeant
  335. sh              hush
  336. sh              quiet
  337. sh              silence
  338. she             (the) woman
  339. she             female
  340. she             lady
  341. she             novel
  342. sherpa          mountaineer
  343. si              South Island
  344. si              agreement - foreign (Span.)
  345. si              note
  346. si              silicon
  347. si              yes (Ital.)
  348. si              yes (Span.)
  349. sib             relation
  350. sic             thus
  351. side            team
  352. silk            dressmaker
  353. sin             err
  354. sin             evil
  355. sin             without
  356. sin             wrong
  357. sine            maths function
  358. sine            without
  359. sir             knight
  360. sis             sister
  361. sly             tinker
  362. sm              French king
  363. sm              French queen
  364. sm              king (Fr.)
  365. sm              non-commissioned officer
  366. smith           economist
  367. sn              Essen
  368. sn              partnership
  369. sn              tin
  370. so              ergo
  371. so              note
  372. so              therefore
  373. so              thus
  374. so              well
  375. soh             note
  376. sol             note
  377. sol             sun-god
  378. som             county
  379. some            approx(imately)
  380. son             issue
  381. sop             soprano
  382. sos             appeal
  383. sp              South Pole
  384. sp              childless
  385. sp              odds
  386. sp              pole
  387. sp              species
  388. sp              starting price
  389. sp              without children
  390. spa             spring
  391. spire           Oxford dreamer
  392. spy             agent
  393. spy             mole
  394. square          unfashionable
  395. sr              old railway
  396. sr              senior
  397. srn             nurse
  398. ss              German soldier
  399. s
  400. Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.puzzles:18150 news.answers:3081
  401. Newsgroups: rec.puzzles,news.answers
  402. Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!usc!sdd.hp.com!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!questrel!chris
  403. From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
  404. Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 9 of 15
  405. Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-9_717034101@questrel.com>
  406. Followup-To: rec.puzzles
  407. Summary: This posting contains a list of
  408.      Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
  409.      It should be read by anyone who wishes to
  410.      post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
  411. Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
  412. Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
  413. Organization: Questrel, Inc.
  414. References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
  415. Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:09:26 GMT
  416. Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
  417. Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
  418. Lines: 1553
  420. Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part09
  421. Last-modified: 1992/09/20
  422. Version: 3
  424. s              Sunday School
  425. ss              liner
  426. ss              saints
  427. ss              ship
  428. ss              steamship
  429. st              good man
  430. st              hush
  431. st              little way
  432. st              paragon
  433. st              road
  434. st              saint
  435. st              silence
  436. st              stone
  437. st              street
  438. st              stumped
  439. st              thoroughfare
  440. st              way
  441. st              weight
  442. stag            speculator
  443. sten            gun
  444. stet            don't change it
  445. stir            prison
  446. stop            traffic signal
  447. sts             saints
  448. sty             filthy place
  449. stye            eyesore
  450. su              Soviet Union
  451. sub             U-boat
  452. sub             stand-in
  453. sub             substitute
  454. sub             warship
  455. supra           over
  456. sure            certain
  457. sw              Cornwall
  458. sw              Devon
  459. sw              bridge opponents
  460. sw              quarter
  461. sw              south-west
  462. swift           screecher
  463. swiss roll      jammed cylinder
  464. sx              Essex
  465. t               Thailand
  466. t               Tuesday
  467. t               bandage
  468. t               bar
  469. t               bone
  470. t               cart
  471. t               cloth
  472. t               cross
  473. t               crossed
  474. t               half dry
  475. t               hundred and sixty
  476. t               hundred and sixty thousand
  477. t               junction
  478. t               model +
  479. t               peg
  480. t               perfect letter
  481. t               plate
  482. t               rail
  483. t               shirt
  484. t               short time
  485. t               square
  486. t               tau
  487. t               te
  488. t               tea
  489. t               tee
  490. t               tesla
  491. t               the
  492. t               time
  493. t               ton(ne)
  494. t               tritium
  495. ta              Territorial Army
  496. ta              army
  497. ta              cheers
  498. ta              reserves
  499. ta              soldiers
  500. ta              terriers
  501. ta              territorials
  502. ta              thank you
  503. ta              thanks
  504. ta              volunteers
  505. tab             label
  506. tace            silence
  507. tag             label
  508. tan             beat
  509. tan             brown
  510. tan             maths function
  511. tar             able seaman
  512. tar             art nouveau
  513. tar             sailor/salt/seaman
  514. tata            Tosti's song
  515. tata            goodbye
  516. tate            gallery
  517. tau             cross
  518. tay             river
  519. tb              torpedo boat
  520. td              medal
  521. te              Lawrence
  522. te              note
  523. tea             leaves
  524. tec             detective
  525. ted             Edward
  526. ted             Heath
  527. tee             peg
  528. teen            old injury
  529. tees            river
  530. tell            archer
  531. temp            secretary
  532. ten             PM's address
  533. tene            old injury
  534. tent            wine
  535. ter             three (triple)
  536. ter             thrice
  537. test            educational journal
  538. test            examination
  539. test            match
  540. teth            Hebrew letter
  541. the             article
  542. the             articles - English
  543. ti              note
  544. tic             note
  545. tic             spasm
  546. tic             twitching
  547. tier            row
  548. time            father
  549. times           daily
  550. timon           misanthrope
  551. tin             can
  552. tin             cash
  553. tin             money
  554. tin             vessel
  555. tiny            small
  556. tion            empty container
  557. tit             bird
  558. tit             inferior horse
  559. tit             poor horse
  560. tnt             big banger
  561. tnt             explosive
  562. tod             fox
  563. todo            commotion
  564. toe             extremity
  565. toe             member
  566. tom             big bell
  567. tom             cat
  568. tome            book
  569. ton             fashion
  570. ton             hundred
  571. ton             large amount
  572. ton             weight
  573. tonne           weight
  574. tor             hell
  575. tor             hill
  576. tor             mountain
  577. tor             point
  578. tor             prominence
  579. tory            Conservative
  580. tory            party
  581. tory            politician
  582. tp              teepee
  583. tr              Turkey
  584. tr              transaction
  585. tr              translation
  586. tram            transport
  587. tree            actor
  588. tres            very (Fr.)
  589. tri             three (triple)
  590. tri             thrice
  591. troy            ancient city
  592. troy            old city
  593. try             attempt
  594. try             essay
  595. ts              teas
  596. ts              tees
  597. tt              abstaining
  598. tt              dry
  599. tt              on the wagon
  600. tt              race
  601. tt              teas
  602. tt              tees
  603. tt              teetotal
  604. tt              teetotaller
  605. tt              thank you
  606. tu              tradesmen
  607. tuck            friar
  608. twelve          eec
  609. two             company
  610. u               Conservative
  611. u               Uruguay
  612. u               Utah
  613. u               about turn
  614. u               acceptable
  615. u               bend
  616. u               boat
  617. u               educational establishment
  618. u               ewe
  619. u               film
  620. u               for all to see
  621. u               high class
  622. u               on view to all
  623. u               posh
  624. u               socially acceptable
  625. u               suitable for children
  626. u               superior
  627. u               trap
  628. u               tube
  629. u               turn
  630. u               union/Unionist
  631. u               universal
  632. u               university
  633. u               upper class
  634. u               uppish
  635. u               upsilon
  636. u               uranium
  637. u               yew
  638. u               you
  639. uc              you see
  640. uk              United Kingdom
  641. uk              this country
  642. uk              this island
  643. ule             rubber
  644. ult             last month
  645. um              doubt
  646. um              hesitation
  647. un              United Nations
  648. un              international
  649. un              number one (Fr.)
  650. un              one
  651. un              one (dialect)
  652. un              peacekeepers
  653. una             number one (Ital.)
  654. unco            very (Scot.)
  655. une             number one (Fr.)
  656. uno             international organisation
  657. uno             number one (Ital.)
  658. up              at university
  659. up              excited
  660. up              in court
  661. up              mounted
  662. up              riding
  663. up              superior
  664. uq              you queue
  665. ur              ancient city
  666. ur              hesitation
  667. ur              old city
  668. ur              primitive
  669. ur              you are
  670. ure             river
  671. uru             Uruguay
  672. us              America
  673. us              American
  674. us              as above
  675. us              ewes
  676. us              no good
  677. us              transatlantic
  678. us              undersecretary
  679. us              use
  680. us              useless
  681. us              yews
  682. us              you and me
  683. usa             America
  684. use             application
  685. use             custom
  686. use             employ(ment)
  687. use             practice
  688. use             practise
  689. ussr            Soviet Union
  690. ut              note
  691. ute             half minute
  692. uu              ewes
  693. uu              use
  694. uu              yews
  695. ux              wife
  696. v               Vatican
  697. v               against
  698. v               agent
  699. v               bomb
  700. v               day
  701. v               five
  702. v               look
  703. v               neck
  704. v               neckline
  705. v               notch
  706. v               opposing
  707. v               see
  708. v               sign
  709. v               vanadium
  710. v               vee
  711. v               velocity
  712. v               verb
  713. v               verse
  714. v               versus
  715. v               very
  716. v               victory
  717. v               vide
  718. v               volt
  719. v               volume
  720. v               win
  721. va              Virginia
  722. vad             nurse
  723. vale            farewell
  724. vale            goodbye
  725. vat             tax
  726. vau             Hebrew letter
  727. vb              verb
  728. ve              victory
  729. ver             rev up
  730. very            light
  731. vet             surgeon
  732. vg              for example
  733. vi              half dozen
  734. vi              six
  735. via             old way
  736. vid             see
  737. vid             tanner/sixpence
  738. vide            look
  739. vide            see
  740. vin             French wine
  741. vip             big noise
  742. vip             tanner/sixpence
  743. vir             man/Roman
  744. vis             viscount
  745. vj              victory
  746. vo              left hand
  747. vol             book
  748. vol             volume
  749. vy              various years
  750. w               Wednesday
  751. w               Welsh
  752. w               William
  753. w               bridge players
  754. w               direction
  755. w               point
  756. w               quarter
  757. w               tungsten
  758. w               watt
  759. w               weak
  760. w               west(ern)
  761. w               whole numbers
  762. w               wicket
  763. w               width
  764. w               wife
  765. w               woman
  766. ward            disadvantage (drawback)
  767. washington      young feller
  768. we              partnership
  769. we              you and I
  770. wee             little
  771. wee             minor
  772. wee             small
  773. who             doctor
  774. wi              Mayfair
  775. wi              West Indies
  776. wi              Westminster
  777. winner          fabulous tortoise
  778. wise            youth leaders
  779. wist            knew (old word)
  780. women           monstrous regiment
  781. woof            bark
  782. wt              small weight
  783. wt              weight
  784. x               Christ
  785. x               PM's address
  786. x               Xmas
  787. x               across
  788. x               body
  789. x               chi
  790. x               chromosome
  791. x               cross
  792. x               draw
  793. x               ex,Exe
  794. x               film
  795. x               illiterate's signature
  796. x               kiss
  797. x               particle
  798. x               ray
  799. x               sign of love
  800. x               sign of the times
  801. x               spot marked
  802. x               ten
  803. x               ten thousand
  804. x               thousand
  805. x               times
  806. x               unknown
  807. x               vitamin
  808. x               vote
  809. x               wrong sign
  810. x               xi
  811. xc              ninety
  812. xi              eleven
  813. xi              side
  814. xi              team
  815. xl              excel
  816. xv              side
  817. xv              team
  818. y               alloy
  819. y               chromosome
  820. y               level
  821. y               measure
  822. y               moth
  823. y               one hundred and fifty
  824. y               one hundred and fifty thousand
  825. y               track
  826. y               unknown
  827. y               why
  828. y               yard
  829. y               year
  830. y               yen
  831. y               young
  832. y               yttrium
  833. yard            detectives
  834. yd              measure
  835. ye              the (old word)
  836. ye              you (old word)
  837. yea             agreement
  838. yew             tree
  839. yr              year
  840. yr              your
  841. ys              wise
  842. ys              youth leaders
  843. yt              that (old word)
  844. yu              jade
  845. yule            you will, say
  846. yy              wise
  847. z               Zambia
  848. z               bar
  849. z               bend
  850. z               cedilla
  851. z               final letter
  852. z               integers
  853. z               izzard
  854. z               last character
  855. z               last letter
  856. z               omega
  857. z               seven
  858. z               seven thousand
  859. z               sound of sleep
  860. z               zed
  861. z               zee
  862. z               zero
  863. z               zeta
  864. zo              cross *
  865. zr              Zaire
  866. zz              (sound of) snoring
  867. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  869. --
  870. Ross Beresford,   | Email (trusted): rberesfo@cix.compulink.co.uk
  871. 10 Wagtail Close, |          (work): ross@siesoft.co.uk
  872. Twyford, Reading, |    (under test): ross@dickens.demon.co.uk
  873. RG10 9ED, UK      |
  875. ==> games/crosswords/cryptic/double.p <==
  876. Each clue has two solutions, one for each diagram; one of the answers
  877. to 1ac. determines which solutions are for which diagram.
  879. All solutions are in Chamber's and Webster's Third except for one solution
  880. of each of 1dn, 3dn and 4dn, which can be found in Webster's 2nd. edition.
  882. #######################################################################
  883. #1   |2   |    |    |3   |4   |5   #1   |2   |    |    |3   |4   |5   #
  884. #    |    |    |    |    |    |    #    |    |    |    |    |    |    #
  885. #----+----###########----#----#----#----+----###########----#----#----#
  886. #6   |    |7   |    |    #    #    #6   |    |7   |    |    #    #    #
  887. #    |    |    |    |    #    #    #    |    |    |    |    #    #    #
  888. #----#----#----######----#----#----#----#----#----######----#----#----#
  889. #    #    #    #8   |    |    |    #    #    #    #8   |    |    |    #
  890. #    #    #    #    |    |    |    #    #    #    #    |    |    |    #
  891. #----#----#----######----#----#----#----#----#----######----#----#----#
  892. #9   |    |    |    #    #    #    #9   |    |    |    #    #    #    #
  893. #    |    |    |    #    #    #    #    |    |    |    #    #    #    #
  894. #----#----#----######----#----#----#----#----#----######----#----#----#
  895. #    #    #10  |    |    |    |    #    #    #10  |    |    |    |    #
  896. #    #    #    |    |    |    |    #    #    #    |    |    |    |    #
  897. #----#----#----###########----+----#----#----#----###########----+----#
  898. #11  |    |    |    |    |    |    #11  |    |    |    |    |    |    #
  899. #    |    |    |    |    |    |    #    |    |    |    |    |    |    #
  900. #######################################################################
  902. Ac.
  903. 1.  What can have distinctive looking heads spaced about more prominently
  904.     right. (7)
  905. 6.  Vermin that can overrun fish and t'English tor perhaps. (5)
  906. 8.  Old testament reversal - Adam's conclusion, start of sin.
  907.     Felines initially with everything there. (4)
  908. 9.  Black initiated cut, oozed out naturally. (4)
  909. 10. For instance, 11 with spleen dropping I count? (5)
  910. 11. Provoked explosion of grenade. (7)
  912. Dn.
  913. 1.  Some of club taking part in theatrical function, for the equivalent
  914.     of a fraction of a pound. (6)
  915. 2.  Close-in light meter in one formation originally treated as limestone. (6)
  916. 3.  Xingu River hombres having symmetrical shape. (5)
  917. 4.  About sex-appeal measure - what waitresses should be? (6)
  918. 5.  Old penny, least damaged, was preserved. (6)
  919. 7.  IRA to harm ruling Englishman; extremes could be belonging to group. (5)
  921. ==> games/crosswords/cryptic/double.s <==
  922. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  923. |r e d c a p s|d e x t r a l|
  924. + + +-+-+ + + + + +-+-+ + + +
  925. |o t t e r|o|a|r o a c h|s|a|
  926. + + + +-+ + + + + + +-+ + + +
  927. |u|a|h|f a l l|a|z|m|t o m s|
  928. + + + +-+ + + + + + +-+ + + +
  929. |b l e d|r|i|t|c o o n|m|i|t|
  930. + + + +-+ + + + + + +-+ + + +
  931. |l|o|i r a t e|m|o|n o b l e|
  932. + + + +-+-+ + + + + +-+-+ + +
  933. |e n r a g e d|a n g e r e d|
  934. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  936. Notes.
  937. Left grid: Ac. 1. R + spaced (anag). 6. T'E tor (anag). 8. F-all. 9. B-led.
  938. 10. I-rate. Dn. 1. Ro-ub-le. 2. T.A.L. in one (anag). 4. it in pole.
  939. 5. anag of D+least. 7. anag of initial letters.
  940. Right grid: Ac. 1. D-extra-L. 6. 3 mngs. 8. OT (rev) + m-s.
  941. 9. initial letters. 10. No.-b(i)le. Dn. Dra-c-ma. 2. Zoo(m) in one (anag).
  942. 3. hidden. 4. SA (rev) + mile. 5. anag of D+least. 7. anag of final letters.
  944. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  946. How I built it: it was hard!
  947. Basically, I started with a couple of word pairs which were easy to clue
  948. (e.g. enraged/angered - same meaning and anagrams of each other)
  949. and built a grid around them, trying to ensure corresponding words
  950. had something in common, either in meaning (their, among) or structure,
  951. (EtalON, EOzooN) and making sure that there was at least one word
  952. which could be used to distinguish the two grids (dextral).
  953. The clues were built in one of two ways:
  954. either the words had a common definition, and so a subsidiary indication
  955. which could refer to either was needed; or it was necessary to define each
  956. word in such a way that it was a subsidiary definition for all or part
  957. of the corresponding word, and deal with any remaining parts as before.
  958. I think the single hardest part was finding a definition of "interferometer"
  959. which could also be interpreted as "zoo" or "ozo".
  961.                     Roy
  962.                     rt@ukc.ac.uk
  964. ==> games/crosswords/cryptic/intro.p <==
  965. What are the rules for cluing cryptic crosswords?
  966. ==> games/crosswords/cryptic/intro.s <==
  967. This is a brief set of instructions for solving cryptic crossword puzzles
  968. for those of you who are intrigued by these puzzles, but haven't known how
  969. to begin solving them.  For a more complete introduction, send a
  970. self-addressed, stamped envelope to The Atlantic Puzzler, 745 Boylston
  971. Street, Boston, Mass.  02116.
  973. The characteristic common to all cryptic crossword puzzles is the format of
  974. the clues.  Each clue is a miniature word puzzle consisting of a straight
  975. definition of the answer and a cryptic definition of the answer.  For
  976. example,
  978.      Axle is poorly splined (7)
  980. yields SPINDLE.  Axle is the straight definition.  The cryptic definition
  981. (poorly splined) indicates an anagram of "splined".  The number in
  982. parentheses is the number of letters in the answer.  Punctuation and
  983. capitalization may be ignored in interpreting the clues.
  985. There are only eight categories of clues, as follows:
  987. 1. Anagram
  989.    An anagram is a word formed by mixing up the letters of another word.  An
  990.    anagram clue is indicated by some word that means "mixed up", for
  991.    example, out, crazy, bizarre, insane, etc.  One or more words may
  992.    contribute to the anagram.  For example:
  994.       Tim goes insane from selfishness (7)
  996.       for EGOTISM (anagram of "Tim goes")
  998. 2. Double Definition
  1000.    A double definition is simply two definitions of the word.  Most two-word
  1001.    clues are double definitions.  For example: