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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.466
pp pianissimo
pp very quiet/soft(ly)
pr Puerto Rico
pr Romans/Roman people
pr electoral system
pr image building
pr president
pr price
pr prince
pr public relations
pr two
pra academician
pra artist
pra painter
pres president
prison bird
pro expert
pro for
pro public relations officer
prof academic
provos terrorists
ps footnote
ps peas
ps pees
ps postscript
ps second thoughts
pt part
pt physical training
pt pint
pt platinum
pt point
pt post town
pt stop
pt training
pub local
pv peavy
q Celt
q Kelt
q Quebec
q Queensland
q boat
q cue
q electrical charge
q farthing
q five hundred
q five hundred thousand
q koppa
q ninety
q ninety thousand
q quality
q queen
q query
q question
q queue
q quintal
q rational numbers
qp kewpie (doll)
qt cutie
qt quart
qt quiet
qu quart
qu queen
quad prison
que what (Fr.)
qui who (Fr.)
r Reaumur
r Regina
r Republican
r Rex
r Romania
r are
r arithmetic
r castle
r eighty
r eighty thousand
r hand
r king
r monarch
r month
r queen
r radius
r rain
r rand
r reading
r real numbers
r recipe
r resistance
r rho
r right
r river
r road
r rontgen unit
r rook
r royal
r run
r side
r take *
r writing
ra Royal Academician
ra Royal Academy
ra Royal Artillery
ra academician
ra academy
ra artillery
ra artist
ra big guns
ra gunmen
ra gunner(s)
ra painter
ra soldiers
ra sun (god)
rab Butler
rac motoring organisation
race people
rada academy
raf fliers
raf service
rage fashion
rain waterfall
ram butter
ram music school
ram sheep
ran managed
ran smuggled
ras head
ras prince
rat art nouveau
rat desert fighter
rat desert(er)
rat scab
rat strikebreaker
rate speed
rc Roman Catholic
rc church
rd little way
rd road
rd way
re Royal Engineer(s)
re about
re again
re concerning
re engineer(s)
re note
re over
re religious education
re sapper(s)
re soldiers
re touching
rebecca Welsh riots
rec recipe
rec take
red anarchist
red bloody
red cent *
red communist
red leftist
red revolutionary
red socialist
regan princess
regan wicked sister
reine French queen
reme engineers
rene French man
rep agent
rep salesman
rep traveller
res old thing
resh Hebrew letter
ret soak
rev priest
rev vicar
rex cat
rg argy(-bargy)
rh right hand
ri Rhode Island
ri king emperor
rib wife
rid clear
rid free
ring circle
rio port
rip final message
rip last word
river banker
river flower
river runner
rly lines/landline
rly railway
rly transport
rly way
rm Marine
rm Royal Marine(s)
rm jolly
rm old Irish magistrate
rm resident magistrate
rma Sandhurst
rms mailboat
rn Navy
rn Royal Navy
rn fleet
rn sailors
rn service
ro right hand
roc fabulous bird
rock diamond
rod fast car
rod pole
rod sports car
roi French king
roi king (Fr.)
rom gypsy
rose flower
rosinante poor horse
rot corruption
rot decay
rot rubbish
rr Right Reverend
rr Rolls Royce
rr ars
rr bishop
rr car
rsm non-commissioned officer
rt arty
rt right
ru football
ru rugby
ruc Irish police
rue street (Fr.)
run manage
run smuggle
rur Capek's play
rv bible
ry landline
ry line(s)
ry little way
ry rail
ry railway
ry transport
ry way
s Bach's works
s God's
s Sabbath
s Saturday
s Schmieder
s Sweden
s as
s bend
s bob
s bridge players
s direction
s dollar
s es
s ess
s has
s his
s is
s largesse
s old Bob
s old shilling
s paragon
s part of collar
s point
s pole +
s quarter
s saint
s second
s seven
s seven thousand
s shilling
s side
s siemens
s sister
s snow
s society
s son
s south(ern)
s space
s spade
s square
s stokes
s sulphur
s sun
s us
sa South Africa
sa South America
sa essay
sa it
sa sex appeal
sa without date
sad blue
sailor able seaman
saint paragon
salt able seaman
sam uncle
sas soldiers
sat Saturday
satin dressmaker
sc namely
sc self-contained
sc small capitals
sc specifically
sc that is
sc viz
scot fine
scot tax
scr scruple
sculptor blockbuster
sd South Dakota
sd without a day fixed
sdp nationalists
se Home Counties
se London Area
se bridge opponents
se quarter
se south-east
sea deep
sea main
sec dry
sec second
sec short time
sec time
see look
seed children
semi half
semi house
sent ecstatic
set group
set put
seth fourth man
sgt non-commissioned officer
sgt sergeant
sh hush
sh quiet
sh silence
she (the) woman
she female
she lady
she novel
sherpa mountaineer
si South Island
si agreement - foreign (Span.)
si note
si silicon
si yes (Ital.)
si yes (Span.)
sib relation
sic thus
side team
silk dressmaker
sin err
sin evil
sin without
sin wrong
sine maths function
sine without
sir knight
sis sister
sly tinker
sm French king
sm French queen
sm king (Fr.)
sm non-commissioned officer
smith economist
sn Essen
sn partnership
sn tin
so ergo
so note
so therefore
so thus
so well
soh note
sol note
sol sun-god
som county
some approx(imately)
son issue
sop soprano
sos appeal
sp South Pole
sp childless
sp odds
sp pole
sp species
sp starting price
sp without children
spa spring
spire Oxford dreamer
spy agent
spy mole
square unfashionable
sr old railway
sr senior
srn nurse
ss German soldier
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.puzzles:18150 news.answers:3081
Newsgroups: rec.puzzles,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!usc!sdd.hp.com!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!questrel!chris
From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 9 of 15
Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-9_717034101@questrel.com>
Followup-To: rec.puzzles
Summary: This posting contains a list of
Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
It should be read by anyone who wishes to
post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
Organization: Questrel, Inc.
References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:09:26 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
Lines: 1553
Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part09
Last-modified: 1992/09/20
Version: 3
s Sunday School
ss liner
ss saints
ss ship
ss steamship
st good man
st hush
st little way
st paragon
st road
st saint
st silence
st stone
st street
st stumped
st thoroughfare
st way
st weight
stag speculator
sten gun
stet don't change it
stir prison
stop traffic signal
sts saints
sty filthy place
stye eyesore
su Soviet Union
sub U-boat
sub stand-in
sub substitute
sub warship
supra over
sure certain
sw Cornwall
sw Devon
sw bridge opponents
sw quarter
sw south-west
swift screecher
swiss roll jammed cylinder
sx Essex
t Thailand
t Tuesday
t bandage
t bar
t bone
t cart
t cloth
t cross
t crossed
t half dry
t hundred and sixty
t hundred and sixty thousand
t junction
t model +
t peg
t perfect letter
t plate
t rail
t shirt
t short time
t square
t tau
t te
t tea
t tee
t tesla
t the
t time
t ton(ne)
t tritium
ta Territorial Army
ta army
ta cheers
ta reserves
ta soldiers
ta terriers
ta territorials
ta thank you
ta thanks
ta volunteers
tab label
tace silence
tag label
tan beat
tan brown
tan maths function
tar able seaman
tar art nouveau
tar sailor/salt/seaman
tata Tosti's song
tata goodbye
tate gallery
tau cross
tay river
tb torpedo boat
td medal
te Lawrence
te note
tea leaves
tec detective
ted Edward
ted Heath
tee peg
teen old injury
tees river
tell archer
temp secretary
ten PM's address
tene old injury
tent wine
ter three (triple)
ter thrice
test educational journal
test examination
test match
teth Hebrew letter
the article
the articles - English
ti note
tic note
tic spasm
tic twitching
tier row
time father
times daily
timon misanthrope
tin can
tin cash
tin money
tin vessel
tiny small
tion empty container
tit bird
tit inferior horse
tit poor horse
tnt big banger
tnt explosive
tod fox
todo commotion
toe extremity
toe member
tom big bell
tom cat
tome book
ton fashion
ton hundred
ton large amount
ton weight
tonne weight
tor hell
tor hill
tor mountain
tor point
tor prominence
tory Conservative
tory party
tory politician
tp teepee
tr Turkey
tr transaction
tr translation
tram transport
tree actor
tres very (Fr.)
tri three (triple)
tri thrice
troy ancient city
troy old city
try attempt
try essay
ts teas
ts tees
tt abstaining
tt dry
tt on the wagon
tt race
tt teas
tt tees
tt teetotal
tt teetotaller
tt thank you
tu tradesmen
tuck friar
twelve eec
two company
u Conservative
u Uruguay
u Utah
u about turn
u acceptable
u bend
u boat
u educational establishment
u ewe
u film
u for all to see
u high class
u on view to all
u posh
u socially acceptable
u suitable for children
u superior
u trap
u tube
u turn
u union/Unionist
u universal
u university
u upper class
u uppish
u upsilon
u uranium
u yew
u you
uc you see
uk United Kingdom
uk this country
uk this island
ule rubber
ult last month
um doubt
um hesitation
un United Nations
un international
un number one (Fr.)
un one
un one (dialect)
un peacekeepers
una number one (Ital.)
unco very (Scot.)
une number one (Fr.)
uno international organisation
uno number one (Ital.)
up at university
up excited
up in court
up mounted
up riding
up superior
uq you queue
ur ancient city
ur hesitation
ur old city
ur primitive
ur you are
ure river
uru Uruguay
us America
us American
us as above
us ewes
us no good
us transatlantic
us undersecretary
us use
us useless
us yews
us you and me
usa America
use application
use custom
use employ(ment)
use practice
use practise
ussr Soviet Union
ut note
ute half minute
uu ewes
uu use
uu yews
ux wife
v Vatican
v against
v agent
v bomb
v day
v five
v look
v neck
v neckline
v notch
v opposing
v see
v sign
v vanadium
v vee
v velocity
v verb
v verse
v versus
v very
v victory
v vide
v volt
v volume
v win
va Virginia
vad nurse
vale farewell
vale goodbye
vat tax
vau Hebrew letter
vb verb
ve victory
ver rev up
very light
vet surgeon
vg for example
vi half dozen
vi six
via old way
vid see
vid tanner/sixpence
vide look
vide see
vin French wine
vip big noise
vip tanner/sixpence
vir man/Roman
vis viscount
vj victory
vo left hand
vol book
vol volume
vy various years
w Wednesday
w Welsh
w William
w bridge players
w direction
w point
w quarter
w tungsten
w watt
w weak
w west(ern)
w whole numbers
w wicket
w width
w wife
w woman
ward disadvantage (drawback)
washington young feller
we partnership
we you and I
wee little
wee minor
wee small
who doctor
wi Mayfair
wi West Indies
wi Westminster
winner fabulous tortoise
wise youth leaders
wist knew (old word)
women monstrous regiment
woof bark
wt small weight
wt weight
x Christ
x PM's address
x Xmas
x across
x body
x chi
x chromosome
x cross
x draw
x ex,Exe
x film
x illiterate's signature
x kiss
x particle
x ray
x sign of love
x sign of the times
x spot marked
x ten
x ten thousand
x thousand
x times
x unknown
x vitamin
x vote
x wrong sign
x xi
xc ninety
xi eleven
xi side
xi team
xl excel
xv side
xv team
y alloy
y chromosome
y level
y measure
y moth
y one hundred and fifty
y one hundred and fifty thousand
y track
y unknown
y why
y yard
y year
y yen
y young
y yttrium
yard detectives
yd measure
ye the (old word)
ye you (old word)
yea agreement
yew tree
yr year
yr your
ys wise
ys youth leaders
yt that (old word)
yu jade
yule you will, say
yy wise
z Zambia
z bar
z bend
z cedilla
z final letter
z integers
z izzard
z last character
z last letter
z omega
z seven
z seven thousand
z sound of sleep
z zed
z zee
z zero
z zeta
zo cross *
zr Zaire
zz (sound of) snoring
Ross Beresford, | Email (trusted): rberesfo@cix.compulink.co.uk
10 Wagtail Close, | (work): ross@siesoft.co.uk
Twyford, Reading, | (under test): ross@dickens.demon.co.uk
RG10 9ED, UK |
==> games/crosswords/cryptic/double.p <==
Each clue has two solutions, one for each diagram; one of the answers
to 1ac. determines which solutions are for which diagram.
All solutions are in Chamber's and Webster's Third except for one solution
of each of 1dn, 3dn and 4dn, which can be found in Webster's 2nd. edition.
#1 |2 | | |3 |4 |5 #1 |2 | | |3 |4 |5 #
# | | | | | | # | | | | | | #
#6 | |7 | | # # #6 | |7 | | # # #
# | | | | # # # | | | | # # #
# # # #8 | | | # # # #8 | | | #
# # # # | | | # # # # | | | #
#9 | | | # # # #9 | | | # # # #
# | | | # # # # | | | # # # #
# # #10 | | | | # # #10 | | | | #
# # # | | | | # # # | | | | #
#11 | | | | | | #11 | | | | | | #
# | | | | | | # | | | | | | #
1. What can have distinctive looking heads spaced about more prominently
right. (7)
6. Vermin that can overrun fish and t'English tor perhaps. (5)
8. Old testament reversal - Adam's conclusion, start of sin.
Felines initially with everything there. (4)
9. Black initiated cut, oozed out naturally. (4)
10. For instance, 11 with spleen dropping I count? (5)
11. Provoked explosion of grenade. (7)
1. Some of club taking part in theatrical function, for the equivalent
of a fraction of a pound. (6)
2. Close-in light meter in one formation originally treated as limestone. (6)
3. Xingu River hombres having symmetrical shape. (5)
4. About sex-appeal measure - what waitresses should be? (6)
5. Old penny, least damaged, was preserved. (6)
7. IRA to harm ruling Englishman; extremes could be belonging to group. (5)
==> games/crosswords/cryptic/double.s <==
|r e d c a p s|d e x t r a l|
+ + +-+-+ + + + + +-+-+ + + +
|o t t e r|o|a|r o a c h|s|a|
+ + + +-+ + + + + + +-+ + + +
|u|a|h|f a l l|a|z|m|t o m s|
+ + + +-+ + + + + + +-+ + + +
|b l e d|r|i|t|c o o n|m|i|t|
+ + + +-+ + + + + + +-+ + + +
|l|o|i r a t e|m|o|n o b l e|
+ + + +-+-+ + + + + +-+-+ + +
|e n r a g e d|a n g e r e d|
Left grid: Ac. 1. R + spaced (anag). 6. T'E tor (anag). 8. F-all. 9. B-led.
10. I-rate. Dn. 1. Ro-ub-le. 2. T.A.L. in one (anag). 4. it in pole.
5. anag of D+least. 7. anag of initial letters.
Right grid: Ac. 1. D-extra-L. 6. 3 mngs. 8. OT (rev) + m-s.
9. initial letters. 10. No.-b(i)le. Dn. Dra-c-ma. 2. Zoo(m) in one (anag).
3. hidden. 4. SA (rev) + mile. 5. anag of D+least. 7. anag of final letters.
How I built it: it was hard!
Basically, I started with a couple of word pairs which were easy to clue
(e.g. enraged/angered - same meaning and anagrams of each other)
and built a grid around them, trying to ensure corresponding words
had something in common, either in meaning (their, among) or structure,
(EtalON, EOzooN) and making sure that there was at least one word
which could be used to distinguish the two grids (dextral).
The clues were built in one of two ways:
either the words had a common definition, and so a subsidiary indication
which could refer to either was needed; or it was necessary to define each
word in such a way that it was a subsidiary definition for all or part
of the corresponding word, and deal with any remaining parts as before.
I think the single hardest part was finding a definition of "interferometer"
which could also be interpreted as "zoo" or "ozo".
==> games/crosswords/cryptic/intro.p <==
What are the rules for cluing cryptic crosswords?
==> games/crosswords/cryptic/intro.s <==
This is a brief set of instructions for solving cryptic crossword puzzles
for those of you who are intrigued by these puzzles, but haven't known how
to begin solving them. For a more complete introduction, send a
self-addressed, stamped envelope to The Atlantic Puzzler, 745 Boylston
Street, Boston, Mass. 02116.
The characteristic common to all cryptic crossword puzzles is the format of
the clues. Each clue is a miniature word puzzle consisting of a straight
definition of the answer and a cryptic definition of the answer. For
Axle is poorly splined (7)
yields SPINDLE. Axle is the straight definition. The cryptic definition
(poorly splined) indicates an anagram of "splined". The number in
parentheses is the number of letters in the answer. Punctuation and
capitalization may be ignored in interpreting the clues.
There are only eight categories of clues, as follows:
1. Anagram
An anagram is a word formed by mixing up the letters of another word. An
anagram clue is indicated by some word that means "mixed up", for
example, out, crazy, bizarre, insane, etc. One or more words may
contribute to the anagram. For example:
Tim goes insane from selfishness (7)
for EGOTISM (anagram of "Tim goes")
2. Double Definition
A double definition is simply two definitions of the word. Most two-word
clues are double definitions. For example: